A beauty day for shooting

Jason and his family are friends of ours. He does firearms training for the forest service. His wife and son were out of town so he offered to take me out and try some shooting this afternoon. Here I am firing an AR-15 semi automatic. I did ok with this gun. The high caliber hand guns I tried later were a little more challenging to hit the target even when standing much closer.

Hike at Fall River

This weather has been way unseasonably warm.  It hit 66 degrees this afternoon on the car temp reading, which is incredible for March 8.  We did a family outing to Fall River today.  Drove southwest of Bend to the Fall River Campground.  From there we simply hiked upriver along the fisherman's trail along the water returning the same way.  Red came along and enjoyed playing in the water, as did the kids.

A total 'boy' party

Noah was invited to a birthday party at our friends - the Lovejoys.  Their sons name is Noah also.  They played army games at the party which the boys all loved.  They were split on to two teams - Honor and Valor.  Noah was on team 'Honor'.  There was an obstacle course and they also played capture the flag.  Their party favor included the t-shirt they are wearing and wooden machine gun you see them all holding:)