We made it to California!

We packed the car and headed on the road for California to spend time with family. Papa was able to make the car ride with us since daddy had to stay to work. 16 + hours with a few minor compilations and we made it. Love my dad for making the trip. Road trips can be fun but long and Papa was such a big help and a saint. We ❤ Papa!!!

Matthieu Lakes Hike - Cascades

Kelly left for California today with her dad and the kids for the week.  I will fly down next weekend and drive back with them, however with no family today, I decided to go out for a hike today in the high cascades.  My destination was the Matthieu Lakes (North and South) via a 7 mile loop hike.  I departed from Dee Wright Observatory about 15 miles southwest of Sisters.  This starting point adds an extra mile each way from the standard trailhead but the views from the lava fields are great.  The weather was warm with a slight breeze, and a perfect day for a walk.  I brought Red with me to enjoy the lakes.  He love the swimming but is not in as good a shape as he was in his younger years.  He was suffering near the end and I had to carry him off and on the last 1/3 of a mile.  

View of North and Middle Sister at the start of the hike along with the snow barren Mt Washington while hiking along the lava fields.

The hike takes you up to around 6000 ft.  Here are some pictures along the highest point of the hike and South Matthieu lake that has North Sister poking up in the background.

After enjoying the sun at South Mattieu Lake, we headed down hill to the slighly bigger North Mathieu Lake.   Red got out and did more swimming at this one. 

From here it was back to the car for a cold beer waiting on ice.  

Summer Swamp VBS

While the boys are swimming their hearts out this week at swim team Abbie is at camp at our church. This week Abbie will sing, do arts and crafts and water play while learning all about God and having "JOY". This is a picture Abbie and her sweet friend Claire ready for camp to begin.

It's great to be 8!

Noah celebrated his 8th birthday and loved being 8 all day. We were suppose to go an out door water park with a couple friends and our family but there was lightning so we postponed it for another day. His best buddy Blake came over for pizza cake and Noah's first ever having a friend sleep over. All in all it was a great day. Noah is such a bright spot in our family and we couldn't imagine life without him. Happy birthday Noah!

Noah's birthday was followed by his second swim meet where Hunter and Noah came in first place in more than one event. They are great swimmers and it is such a joy watching them swim their hearts out. We are very proud of them.Sent from my iPhone

Happy Independence Day 2015!

Happy 4th of July from the Donaldson Crew!

We went downtown to the Bend Pet Parade this morning followed by a pancake breakfast in the park. Tonight we will have friends over for desserts and will watch fireworks in the park. This holiday is our favorite!