Here first time and she did great! She picked it up like a natural.
Noah works up at mount Bachelor so he gets some free passes to the activities up there. Since he works weekend I took the day off today and we went zip lining. It’s super fun and the biggest zip line in the Pacific Northwest.
Noah had a go pro and filmed the last of 3 sections on the run.
April 29. Skied with PJ today. Is was 24 degrees and dumping. Most definitely not spring skiing!
This weekend, as an early celebration of his 14th birthday with his friends, we did a ski day up at Mt Bachelor. The snow conditions this spring are amazing. The coverage of snow is incredible considering its almost May. Kelly packed us an amazing lunch that we ate in the parking lot for lunch. After skiing we stopped in town for pizza. If you are trying to pick out Hunter and Noah - Noah has the bright green pants and the blue jacket on skis. Hunter is in all black with a grey helmet on a snowboard.
Last year when my dad came to visit at the end of July we took a ride up the scenic chairlift to mid mountain on Mt Bachelor. It was a lot of fun so we decided to do the same with Pat and Sue on their visit this week. It was interesting to see the snow differences year to year. We went about 3 weeks earlier this year, but their is already less snow than when we went up last year.
The weather and snow conditions made for some great glissading with the kids.
Hunter at his ski elective at Mt Bachelor on Friday