Kelly's Birthday weekend on the Oregon Coast

It was just an ordinary Wednesday and I was running around getting things done before the kids got home from school. I was just pulling into the car wash and got a text with a picture of my whole family on a plane and the text said, "Surprise, we are coming for your birthday!" I was so over the moon excited that I could hardly stand it. It was one of those moments I will never forget. I had no idea they would come to celebrate my birthday. I felt so incredibly loved. I am one blessed woman! So grateful to call them mine.

The video captures the fun time we had together in Depoe Bay. 

My Mother's Day Morning

I woke this morning to get my coffee and noticed the kids decorated the table for me. I asked them if anyone told them to do this and they said, " No, mommy we just wanted to make you feel special like you do for us on our birthdays." It was such a surprise since Kevin doesn't get home till later today. Kevin usually orchestrates the events like my birthday and Mother's Day. It was sweet to think that they thought to do this on their own. Love these 4 of mine!

It's Official!

11 years ago today Hunter was born and brightened our world. He's funny. He's caring. Easy going. A good friend. Social. Smart. Artistic. Sweet. Always happy go lucky. We wish we could freeze you in time but know as you grow you are becoming a wonderful young man. Happy BIrThDaY to an incredible son. We love you, Hunter!

Historic Entry into Havana Cuba

Hi from Havana Cuba!

Some of you probably know that I started doing some work with a new cruise line starting up called Fathom Impact+Travel - Its the 10 brand launched within Carnival corporation family of companies.  A couple months back Fathom was granted rights to be the first cruise line to arrive in Cuba from a US port in over 50 years.    Today we sailed into Havana - a very historic day.  It was covered my many of the US news outlets and had live coverage from the ship from these news agencies. A few shots as we sailed into Havana harbor, the terminal building and a classic car that Havana is so well known for. 

Early BIrThDaY celebration

Hunter turns 11 on Tuesday, May 3rd and we celebrated it early while LuLu was visiting. After all, it's not everyday your grandma gets to be here on your birthday. Hunter invited two friends to come with our family horseback riding.

Hunter has really taken off reading this year and it is hard to get him to put down a Harry Potter book. Most of his gifts had to do with something related to Harry Potter. Lulu and Papa got him the complete set of the Harry Potter series. He is so excited to read them. Hunter has read the first book and is now almost finished with the second one. Horseback riding along with a Harry Potter themed party made for a great birthday celebration.

Fun with LuLu

LuLu came to visit and over theweekend we went to an Earth Day parade in town where people dressed up as different kinds of animals. We all got to talking about what animal we are going to dress up as in next year's parade.

On Sunday we headed to Portland to OMSI (Oregon Mesuem of Science and Industry). They had many hands on exhibits for the kids along with educational Imax and plaentarium shows. We had a fun day learning all kinds of scientific things.