Amazing cloud formations over Mt bachelor today
Atmospheric conditions must be prime for leaving trails today.
Hunter and Preston received the Dependability award at school on Friday. We are so proud of their hard work.
Kelly wanted a bench in one of the rooms to our house so I made this one to the size she wanted. The design was based on a bench we saw in one of the Spanish missions in Texas. We then stained it a grey/brown color. A fun afternoon DIY project.
Holly found some deer antlers down on the lower part of our property. It’s cool to find a pair like this.
This past Sunday I took Hunter, Noah and some of their friends up to the ski hill. Amazing early spring weather.
Hunter has been playing bass and 6 string guitar at school. This year at the middle school spring recital he as part of an 8th grade group that performed the song 'Don't stop believing'. He played bass and did an amazing job.