Summer 2013 Visit to Bend

Just returned from a work trip back to our headquarters in Bend Oregon.  A couple of my colleagues from the UK were with me this time.  We were there over a weekend so took advantage of the nice summer weather and events in central Oregon.  Link if you cannot see the video below

Barafundle Bay - Pembrokshire

With the amazing weather we are having, I took Friday off and we decided to pull the kids out of school since there is only a week left anyhow until the summer break anyhow.  We decided to take a day trip to west wales in Pembrokshire to a place called Barafundle Bay after a recommendation from an office mate.  The reviews were good too!  According to wikipedia, It was ranked as one of the top 12 beaches in the world in 2004, the good holiday guide ranked it as the best beach in Britain, and in 2006 it was rated as the best spot in the UK for a picnic by Country Life magazine.  Plus its a little out of the way to find, and requires about a 15 minute walk along a coastal path to get to it which keeps the hordes away.  

The walk from the car park to the beach - beautiful:

Fun at the beach:


Summer is a bit late in coming this year, but normally in the UK and northern Europe the elderflower blooms.  As I understand it the flower typically blooms in late may and June, but they have been in full swing this year in the second half of june and now into July.  They are quite nice turning an otherwise dull bushes into brilliant colored trees.  Take for instance this picture below of the elderflower growing out of the old church across the road.

Here is the same location a few weeks back prior to bloom.  In addition it turns out that it can be used to make a very nice (non alchoholic) beverage referred to as Elderflower cordial.  I probably will not end up making it on my own but I did end up buying some pre-made elderflower sparkling beverage from a local UK farm.  

Kelly and I sampled it last night while enjoying the nice summer evening and it was really good.  It actually had a very light, flowery taste to it. 

Also - here is a good article on the elderflower as well.  


Well its finally summer here, its Wimbledon season, time for garden parties and Pimm's!  What is Pimm's you ask? - Well I had the same question so I decided to pick myself up a bottle of Pimm's #1 from the display stand in Waitrose this week.  It seems to be a classic 'English' drink that is gin based and most often mixed with lemonade and garnished with cucumber, strawberry, oranges and mint.  It seems to have some level posh'ness associated with it .... Makes me feel like I should have a cardigan wrapped around my shoulders while watching a game of polo perhaps... is a video of me making this drink with color commentary from Abbie who is sitting behind the Iphone...

Southerndown - July 6

Some strange fog was resistance to burning off today but it was still a fun day at Southerndown. You can see the strange mist in the background of some of the shots.  Also take note of our 'sand art' and Abbie's practice shot for swimsuit modelling.  Hunter and I actually went out and braved the waves and cool water today - there were some good rollers coming in and I was trying to teach Hunter how to body surf.  

July 4 2013

Abbie was asked to tell her playgroup today all about what the 4th of July is and how we celebrate it in America.  She was very excited!  We will be celebrating tomorrow with a BBQ/party at some American and British friends.  Kelly decorated the cake pictured below for the party!