Noah received the character trait award for demonstrating "Wisdom" at school. We are so proud of him!
Noah received the character trait award for demonstrating "Wisdom" at school. We are so proud of him!
Today we built shelves in Noah's room. Barn wood stained the same color as our trim, with pipes holding up the shelves. Noah was a great helper.
Noah wanted to go camping for his 9th birthday. He invited his buddy Blake to come along with us. We went up to East Lake and had a beautiful campsite over looking the lake. The first day was great and we canoed and kayaked and did some exploring. Over night it rained and the next morning we woke up to even more rain and snow. Tent camping when it is wet is never fun. We packed up a day early and headed for home. All in all the kids had fun and it was a great birthday for Noah.
The boys swam their hearts out at their last meet.
Noah got braces today. He is really excited about it! He went with pink and blue rubber bands.
Due to T-storms last week we had to delay Noah's swimming party at SHARC in Sun River. This week the weather was great. Boys stayed outside until it closed at 8, although it was getting chilly by that point as you can see by the boys wrapped in towels.
Noah was invited to a birthday party at our friends - the Lovejoys. Their sons name is Noah also. They played army games at the party which the boys all loved. They were split on to two teams - Honor and Valor. Noah was on team 'Honor'. There was an obstacle course and they also played capture the flag. Their party favor included the t-shirt they are wearing and wooden machine gun you see them all holding:)
I signed the boys up for an obstacle challenge sponsored by Subaru. The boys were really looking forward to it. Their friend Joe Bercot also joined and they were doing it together. Parents participated 'for free' along with paying for kids to go. The route involved a cross country run ending with the obstacle course. See pics and videos below!
Noah swinging over the mud pit
Noah doing the belly crawl... not really on his belly (Hunter was ahead so I couldn't catch him on video)
All three boys after the event finished
Small dirt ramps in the field beside the elementary school.