Floating the Deschutes near Tumalo Oregon

We decided to try and float a section of the Deschutes that was a little less busy than the old mill area in Bend... but also unknown to us other than a recommendation.  After researching google earth, the plan was to put in near Tumalo (just downriver of Tumalo state park) and then take out a a place called Twin Bridge downriver.   

Overall, it was a fun float.  A little shallow in spots where you were hitting rocks on the bottom.  Twin bridge is too far though... a good 2.5+ hours and there are a couple of rapids that are maybe a little too 'exciting' for 'float rafts'.  In retrospect, I would have taken out at the bridge you cross under in the Tumalo.

Local crag in Sundance subdivision

This morning we went climbing with the Lovejoy boys (neighbors) at a cliff band just outside our neighborhood. It's possible we are the first people to ever climb these rocks. Lots of bushes to deal with. It's a great practice area and so close to the house.

Hunter - J2M age 12

Each year starting at age 6, I get the kids a special gift on their 'journey to manhood' (slightly different for Abbie :).

This year for Hunter turning 12 and we got him a watch to symbolize a year/time of transition from boy to teenager over the next 12 months. Next year's birthday is a symbolic year on the journey.

Junior Lifeguard

Hunter is in the Junior Lifeguard program this summer. He gets 3 1/2 hours of training in the pool and out of the pool. Junior lifeguards volunteer an additional 3 hours a week at the pool. Hunter is very excited and wants to get a job working at Juniper Pool when he turns 16. The best part he said is that he's allowed to go into the "staff room."

Today brought back a lot of memories for me. It seems like just yesterday I was spending my summers as a lifeguard. So proud of this boy..... He is growing up but still remains so sweet. He makes my heart so happy!

Iron Mountain

Its wildflower season now in some of the  lower peaks in the cascade range, so Hunter, Noah and I decided to do a 6.5 mile loop hike at Iron Mountain.  You will notice in these pictures its a lot more green as this is on the western side of the cascades so more lush than our central Oregon side.  We drove from Bend for about 1:10 min west on hwy 26 and parked at Tombstone pass.  From the parking lot we headed east on the cone peak trail.

Within the first 1/4 mile we came to this beautiful meadow.  The sign indicated it was a trading area for native Americans and a common stopping point for settlers heading west. 

From hear we heading up a number of switchbacks to the flanks of cone peak where Iron Mountain came into view to the west (with the big rocky pinnacle on the left/south side.)
Next we headed down to the saddle between cone peak and iron mountain, and across the north side before starting switch backs up the north side.  As we exited trees, wildflowers started again.  We actually might have been a little early.. I expect things will really explode in the next 1-2 weeks.
Upon reaching the summit, we were treated to amazing 360 degree views!  We spent a good 45 min up there eating lunch, exploring and enjoying the views.  A quick 1.5 miles took us back down to the car.  

Some front yard Landscaping

After our move in December and a very long winter, we were finally able to get some front landscaping down at our place.  We love it.  Besides not having our front step look like a construction site, it now also gives us a space to sit or play in the front.  As part of this we also added a second driveway entrance with some fresh gravel.  

Here is the before shot:

Here is the after shot

Couple more shots of the new second driveway (on the right side of the picture), and the lawn from the bottom of the driveway looking up towards the house as you drive in. 

COSSA Open House

This weekend COSSA (Central Oregon Shooting Sports Association) had an open house at their range just east of Bend.  It gave the kids (Hunter, Noah and Abbie) a chance to shoot for the first time.  Hunter and I both got to shoot an old fashioned cowboy 38 single action 6 shooter.  You had to be 12 or older to fire it.  Here is Hunter shooting it.    

Something interesting I leaned about these classic weapons you see in the movies.  Even though the revolver has 6 chambers cowboys from the old west only typically ever had 5 shots loaded with the 6th chamber empty at the top is so that if for instance the gun fell out of hits holster on the floor in the saloon it wouldn't go off.   If however they were going into a gun fight, they might then load a 6th into the last chamber with the trigger cocked and ready.

Here is some pictures and video of the kids shooting 22 caliber rifles at targets.  Hunter had a more full sized rifle, whereas you can see with Abbie she has a small one for her size.

A good friend of mine told me once that if you teach kids about guns and gun safety when they are young, the 'mystique' of guns goes down and respect for them goes up resulting much lower chance of an incident/accident.  They don't have a desire to play with it, and they will avoid other kids who do not respect it.  Its the kids told 'never to touch' that often get into trouble when an opportunity presents itself.  I think this is wise advice. 

Lava Butte

On Fathers day after church we with the weather clear and warm we took a drive just south of town to Lava Lands and took the shuttle up to the top of Lava butte for lunch and a short walk around the crater.