Lambs are being born in the fields just below our house, so the kids wanted to go down and see them today after school.
Lambs are being born in the fields just below our house, so the kids wanted to go down and see them today after school.
Kelly caught this video of Abbie Dancing recently and she loves it so we decided to put her in ballet classes for the term to see how she likes it! (In the video there is actually music playing but its really hard to hear)
The local college - Atlantic College offers free one on one swim sessions for kids during the school term, Its one of they ways their students give back to the local community. Hunter and Noah have been going since school started on saturdays. Since the pool is right down near the water we often explore around the the beach area after the 30 min class. Here are a few different pictures on different days.
Halloween night turned out to be a rain out this year, but luckily we went out and had a great time on the 30th at Dyffryn Gardens where they had a kids Halloween event complete with graveyard walk, face painting, magic shows... the works.
Abbie started school a week after the boys started. Here they are all together on her first day.
Hunter wanted to try a science experiment from this book we have: "101 Weekend Science Experiments". It was a home made hot air balloon to show how hot air rises. It ended up being a lesson on how easily things made with paper catch fire:).