Sun after Rain at Dunraven Bay

Our friend Barb and her son Ian are visiting.  Today Kelly took them to Dunraven Bay/Southerndown beach near our house.  In typical welsh fashion they had sun, then got rained on and then the sun came back out.  Kelly took this shot just after the rain stopped on the beach with the tide out.

The Heritage Coast

Today was clear sunny and cool. What a treat considering the winter we have had. I had to get out. The kids were not interested in getting moving this morning so I headed off for a couple hours on a 6 mile hike in the countryside and coastal areas near our house. The photos below are from the second half of the hike as I hiked along the Ogmore river to the sea and then back along the headlands to where I parked by Dunraven bay.

New Years Day 2013 - A Walk Along the Beach

While we have been having a great time over the holidays, the weather here has been dismall!  It has rained almost every day the kids have been off.  Today - the first day of 2013 is the first nice sunny day we have had, and you could tell because it felt like everyone was out.  We decided to head to Southerndown beach and it turned out we were not the only ones:).  Co-incidentally we also found out that there is a yearly tradition of running into the ocean on new years day at Southerndown.  It was very windy and cold even though the sun was out.  It made us cold just watching them from the cliffs above.

Saturday Morning Swim Sessions at Atlantic College

The local college - Atlantic College offers free one on one swim sessions for kids during the school term, Its one of they ways their students give back to the local community.  Hunter and Noah have been going since school started on saturdays. Since the pool  is right down near the water we often explore around the the beach area after the 30 min class.  Here are a few different pictures on different days.

Sunny Cool Day in Porthcawl

Porthcawl is another south wales coastal town about 10 miles west of our house.  Today was clear so we decided to head over and check out the waterfront area.  We were there late morning/mid day and it was low tide.  There is a nice boardwalk, with lots of rocky scrambling for most of the beach area, but also a nice sandy bay that we plan to check out next summer when the weather gets warm again.  After exploring we all had hot drinks - Coffee for Kelly and I, hot chocolates for the kids (but they liked to pretend it was coffee).