Backyard Expansion - 2023

Over the last two months, I have been working on a backyard expansion.   I started the first week of April and just finished (end of May).  

Left (south) side of the back yard

Before: In 2018 we put in the first stage of the backyard in April of that year and I also built a garden off to the left side completed in June of that year.    You can see what was left natural.  

Here is the new expanded south side completed.

Right (North) side of the backyard

Before: We had a small rustic fire pit with log that got overgrown as you can see in the second picture

Here is the new right/north side of the backyard:

Some pictures of the project at various stages 

PJ bedroom shelves

I have build and put up shelves in each of the kids rooms except PJ and he asked for some this spring.  

I got a piece of cut juniper from a guy selling them on the side of the road near Sunriver for $20. I sanded it down, then cut it adding a light pre-stain and then polyurethane to bring out the color of the wood grain. 

We used some shelf bars we have had from our  first apartment in Huntington Beach after getting married.  

PJ is super excited!

Wood carving

I got a set of wood carving knives for Christmas. I pulled some wood from the wood pile - Some old juniper fence rails that I cut up in the fall for firewood. Super dry as they were likely 30 + years old. I used a hatchet to split off some thinner pieces. The first one I carved was the spoon. From there I did the spatula a week later and today I tried a fork. The spoon came out of a different block of wood so it’s interesting how much darker it is than the other two that came out of the same block.