Cosmeston Medievil Village

Today with rain and sun alternating at about once every 30 minutes we decided to go visit a 'living history' medievil village not farm from our house on the way to Cardiff called Cosmeston.  The village as you see it today is resurected on the remains of the original village that dates back to the 12 century. 

As the websites suggested, we were hoping to find people dressed in period costume giving tours and re-enacting parts of history, but once there we spoke with one of the guys keeping the grounds up and he said that due to budget cuts all work on the project has ceased except maintaining the grounds.  He said that he would normally be in costume  giving tours.  He gave us a 10 minute talk and explained some really interesting history about the area, how houses of the time were constructed and all sorts of interesting facts.  Its really too bad that its currently non operational, but we still had a good time exploring anyhow. 

Also the pics of the kids by the water - tadpoles have just hatched and they are trying to catch one.