Youth Group Snowshoe Outing

Today Hunter’s youth group with Church did a snowshoe outing. It was also exciting for me as it was my first outdoor event since being in the hospital over a month ago. It was a great day.

3 responses
Dear Kevin, Kelly & family Thank you for sharing these beautiful photos.... Great to see you horseshoeing.... That's wonderful... and great to enjoy it with your family.... I hope you are doing well Kevin... You are in our prayers daily.... Ralph has been a godsend to us esp when Ken was in Kingston for a week having his ostomy reversed.... We have a horse and 2 heifers and Ralph made sure they were fed.... and yes we have 5 cats at the barn... We knew if Ralph was checking on things it would be done right.... Ken is doing ok.... he's had a few complications... but getting over it... He went for his 3rd immune therapy treatment for his melanoma in his lung- last week... and we pray with our heart and soul its working.... take care my dear.... Keep in touch... Love your photos.. ANNE X0X0X0
Anne so good to hear from you. Kevin is doing so much better. Thank you for asking and for keeping him in your prayers. So glad Ralph is there to help you out. He is the best man for the job! Praying along with you that the immune therapy is working. Think of you and Ken often. Big hugs to you both. XOXO Kelly, Kevin and kiddos
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