We're home!

December 9th marked the first night in our new home. We slept on mattresses on the floor and ate pizza with boxes all around. It was a perfect night and we can't wait to make new memories as a family here. We are so grateful to have our wonderful family and a house to call home.

5 responses
God bless you in your new home. Christmas 2016 will be Merry 🌲 🏠
welcome home guys ! Just in time for a very special Christmas .big hugs to all .
Congratulations to “The Donaldsons” on moving into your beautiful new home. Merry Christmas to all and Happy 2017. Love to all, Darlene Sent from Mail for Windows 10 From: Posthaven Posts Sent: December 11, 2016 10:16 PM
Merry Christmas Verne and Cheryl. Love and miss you! Xx
Thank you Darlene! Merry Christmas too you and your family. Xoxo Kelly