Snowpocalypse 2019

This past week we got hammered with snow.  We beat a single day snowfall record in Feb that was set in 1917.  Since Monday we had over 30 inches fall in our yard... and its March now!

Around the house

Cross country skiing in the Neighborhood

Walking after the storm


5th Annual Fall boys camping Trip - Big Lake OR (2018)

We just got back from our 5th annual fall boys camping trip in 2018.  This year we went with some friends that the kids go to school with and the location was Big Lake near Hoodoo ski area West of Sisters.  Dad Patrick with boys Severin and Ben.  Big lake is actually a bit of a misnomer, as the lake isn't that big but it was super 'blue'.    

Previous years:

This year we went the 3rd week of September so we didn't have to worry about deer hunting season (rifle).  I think the 3rd week of September will likely become our defacto standard going forward.   This year the weather was colder and rainy, but we were up at 5000 ft so that could have been part of the reason.  Due to soccer games we got a late start Saturday afternoon so the trip felt shorter than usual.  Going forward we agreed that even if their is soccer games, we might just skip them and even make it a 2-night deal Friday and Saturday.  As with previous years the requirement for this trip is that it cannot be car camping, and must have some sort of 'remote' aspect to it even if just a little.  

Sunday Range Day

Sunday afternoon there was an organized 'range day' with the church middle school and high school. We shot pistols and rifles. Here is a cool capture of the rifle muzzle blast we got via slo motion video on an iPhone.

Gormly cousins come to visit!

Jennifer and the Gormly cousins came to visit this week. What fun week had!!

The kids got to have many swim days followed by biking riding, ice cream eating, movie watching, staying up late and camping out at Camp Owl (in the backyard). We even got to celebrate the two "sister cousins" August birthdays. It doesn't get better than that!

Fun memories were made and a good time was had by all. Until this next time Gormlys, we love YOU! ❤❤❤