J2M Weekend with Hunter

Being Hunters 12th year this is a transitional year for him as he enters his teens, so we are trying to plan some memorable events for him.  This weekend he and I went down to the Steens mountain area of southeastern Oregon.  This is cowboy country so I thought it would be fun to go horse back riding while there.  We went with Steens Mountain Guest Ranch.  This is a working ranch where they heard 600 head of cattle.  Tim and Susan (owners) do week long trail rides during the summer as they move cattle around.  For us, it was just a 2 hour trail ride  up to the Kiger Ridge area. 

Being October the weather is starting to be more unsettled and in this wide open country it made for some great photos and lighting with storms and rain around.  

Here are some pictures as we got ready to go on our trail ride at Steens Mountain Guest Ranch.
Pictures from the trail ride:
Short Video:
Couple other shots of where we stayed.

Great fun in late October!

Hunter - J2M age 12

Each year starting at age 6, I get the kids a special gift on their 'journey to manhood' (slightly different for Abbie :).

This year for Hunter turning 12 and we got him a watch to symbolize a year/time of transition from boy to teenager over the next 12 months. Next year's birthday is a symbolic year on the journey.