Junior Lifeguard

Hunter is in the Junior Lifeguard program this summer. He gets 3 1/2 hours of training in the pool and out of the pool. Junior lifeguards volunteer an additional 3 hours a week at the pool. Hunter is very excited and wants to get a job working at Juniper Pool when he turns 16. The best part he said is that he's allowed to go into the "staff room."

Today brought back a lot of memories for me. It seems like just yesterday I was spending my summers as a lifeguard. So proud of this boy..... He is growing up but still remains so sweet. He makes my heart so happy!

6 responses
so proud!
If I could bottle you up Hunter I would. Love you kiddo.
Now please come and visit. Charlotte needs a lifeguard and Anna needs swim lessons.
Way to go Hunter. Love Papa
Happy birthday Hunter. You are a life saver! How grand.
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