Its wildflower season now in some of the lower peaks in the cascade range, so Hunter, Noah and I decided to do a 6.5 mile loop hike at Iron Mountain. You will notice in these pictures its a lot more green as this is on the western side of the cascades so more lush than our central Oregon side. We drove from Bend for about 1:10 min west on hwy 26 and parked at Tombstone pass. From the parking lot we headed east on the cone peak trail.
Within the first 1/4 mile we came to this beautiful meadow. The sign indicated it was a trading area for native Americans and a common stopping point for settlers heading west.
From hear we heading up a number of switchbacks to the flanks of cone peak where Iron Mountain came into view to the west (with the big rocky pinnacle on the left/south side.)
Next we headed down to the saddle between cone peak and iron mountain, and across the north side before starting switch backs up the north side. As we exited trees, wildflowers started again. We actually might have been a little early.. I expect things will really explode in the next 1-2 weeks.
Upon reaching the summit, we were treated to amazing 360 degree views! We spent a good 45 min up there eating lunch, exploring and enjoying the views. A quick 1.5 miles took us back down to the car.